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Amazon Sword Plant : Ultimate Care Guide

Amazon Sword Care Guide

Are you looking to add a touch of lush greenery to your aquarium? Then you need to meet the Echinodorus grisebachii ‘Bleherae’! This beautiful broadleaved Amazon Sword plant is a popular choice among aquarists and is sure to make your tank stand out.

If you’re looking for a stunning, low-maintenance plant to add to your aquarium, the Amazon Sword Plant is the perfect choice. This plant can be a beautiful centerpiece or create a lush green forest-like environment when planted in a group.

Aquarium Compatibility

The Amazon Sword Plant is a great choice for community fish tanks, but it’s not recommended for tanks with rough fish like Oscars, Jack Dempseys, Texas Cichlids, or other large cichlids as they can easily damage the leaves. Goldfish also enjoy nibbling on the leaves, so it’s up to you if you want to include these plants as a potential food source.

When Buying an Amazon Sword Plant

When buying an Amazon Sword Plant, look for specimens with healthy, long green leaves free of holes, cracks, or brown spots. Make sure the plant has a robust root structure and avoid plants with yellow, brown, or discolored leaves. This plant is a great choice for beginners as it’s easy to care for and will do well in community tank water conditions.

Emered Amazon Sword Plants from Nursery
Most Amazon Swords purchased online are grown emersed (out of water) at nurseries and will ship to you like this.

Tank Conditions

Here are the ideal tank conditions for an Amazon Sword Plant:

  • Aquarium pH: 6.0 – 7.5
  • Water Temperature: Between 18°C to 30°C (64.4°F to 86°F).
  • Lighting: Moderate to strong, 10 – 12 hours per day. 2 to 3 watts of light per gallon of water is recommended. PAR of around 50-100.

The best substrate for Amazon swords is a nutrient rich aquasoil, as these plants are heavy root feeders.

Growth Rate

In low-tech tanks, the Amazon Sword Plant will grow slowly once it gets acclimated to its new environment. Keep in mind that this plant can grow to be 30 inches with the right conditions. This makes it a great choice for larger and taller tanks like a 29 or 55 gallon aquarium, but not ideal for smaller tanks like a 10 gallon aquarium.

Large Amazon Sword plants in Aquarium
If left untrimmed, Amazon Swords can grow quite large.

Planting an Amazon Sword Plant

An Amazon Sword Plant is resilient and can be planted in aquarium gravel, but a loosely packed plant substrate is a better choice. The roots will grow extensively and deeply, so make sure there’s enough substrate depth to accommodate this soon-to-be-tall plant. When planting, anchor the roots well but make sure the crown of the plant is above the substrate and visible.

Browning, Melting, and Algae Growth

It’s normal for some Amazon Sword leaves to die soon after being added to a tank. Simply trim the dead or dying leaves from the bottom of the plant, and as long as all other conditions are proper, the plant should adjust and grow new leaves.

Amazon Sword melting

The stems of Amazon Sword Plants are sturdy but their leaves can be delicate and prone to cracking, tearing, or turning yellow. Yellow leaves can indicate poor tank conditions or a lack of nutrients, so make sure to provide iron-rich plant fertilizer. Brown or discolored leaves can be trimmed, and excessive algae growth can be kept in check with Amano Shrimp, Red Cherry Shrimp, Nerite Snails, Mystery Snails, or Otocinclus Catfish.

Excess algae growth can be caused by poor water conditions or excessive lighting, so make sure to test your water often, conduct regular partial water changes, and keep levels of visible organic materials and waste low.

Amazon sword plant covered in algae

Growth Rate

This plant can grow quite large, reaching up to 60 cm (23.6 in) in both height and width. So, it’s best to keep it in a large tank. If you have a medium-sized tank, you can consider the Echinodorus grisebachii ‘Parviflorus’, which is similar in appearance but only grows to about 30 cm (11.8 in) in height.

Propagation and Reproduction

The Amazon Sword Plant reproduces by shooting a stem with runners, each about 3-4 inches apart. New small plants will form and can be planted in the substrate once their roots grow in number and strength. Flowers are usually sterile and won’t develop into seeds despite being pollinated.

Amazon Sword Runners
Amazon Sword “Runners”


This plant is native to two habitats in the Brazilian Amazon region: Rio Jamari (Rondonia) and Belém (Pará) but can also be found in Bolivia, Brazil North, Brazil West-Central, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, French Guiana, Honduras, Nicaragua, Peru, Suriname, and Venezuela.


Cultivating the Echinodorus grisebachii ‘Bleherae’ is a breeze. This plant is considered easy to care for, so you don’t need to worry about any complicated maintenance routines.


The Echinodorus grisebachii ‘Bleherae’ is best used as a background plant in your aquarium. Its broad leaves and lush green color will provide the perfect backdrop for your other aquatic plants and animals.


This plant is widely available commercially and from other aquarists. So, you won’t have trouble finding it for your tank.


Echinodorus grisebachii ‘Amazonicus’ is a medium-sized sword plant that’s easy to care for. It has been a standard in the aquarium plant collection for many years and is still a great choice for aquariums today. This cultivar can grow strong and healthy in a variety of aquariums, depending on the substrate’s nutrient supply. In smaller aquariums with a volume of 100 liters (26.4 gallons), it’s best to use sand as the substrate to keep the plant from growing too large. In medium-sized aquariums with a nutrient-rich substrate, it’s recommended to use this plant as a solitary specimen. In very spacious tanks, a group of these plants can look very decorative. This species needs only moderate light and prefers temperatures between 22-26°C (71.6-78.8°F). Vegetative propagation is easy and the plant will often produce inflorescences with numerous adventitious plants within the aquarium that can be severed and replanted after reaching a size of several centimeters.

Advanced Description

The Echinodorus grisebachii ‘Amazonicus’ is a medium-sized sword plant that grows submersed to a height of 30-50 cm (11.8-19.7 in). Its petiole can reach up to 10 cm (3.9 in) long and the leaf blade is narrow and lanceolate, often slightly recurved sideways, up to 40 cm (15.7 in) long, 1.5-3 cm (0.6-1.2 in) wide. The leaf is medium green with dark horizontal transverse veins and has an acute apex and base. There are 5 leaf veins and pellucid lines are present.

This plant has unique inflorescences that stand out in both long-day and short-day submersed plants. They can be simple or paniculate and each whorl has 3-6(-12) flowers that do not open underwater. The bracts exceed the pedicels in length and the flowers are petiolate, about 1-1.5 cm in diameter with 9(12) stamens.


This plant grows in slow-moving and stagnant water in a depth of 50-100 cm (19.7-39.4 in).

Growing Amazon Sword Emersed

Amazon sword (Echinodorus amazonicus) is a popular aquarium plant that is typically grown submerged in water, but it can also be grown emersed, which means outside of water. Growing Amazon sword emersed can have many benefits, including improved growth and the ability to produce flowers.

If you’re looking to grow this plant emersed, it’s best to keep it in a very humid environment. Unlike many other Echinodorus species, the Echinodorus grisebachii ‘Bleherae’ cannot adapt well to dry indoor air.

Here is a step-by-step guide to growing Amazon sword emersed:

  1. Choose the right environment: The best place to grow Amazon sword emersed is in a terrarium or a greenhouse, where you can control the temperature and humidity levels. Make sure the area receives bright but indirect light, and that the temperature stays between 70°F to 80°F.
  2. Select the right substrate: A well-draining substrate is essential for growing Amazon sword emersed. You can use a mix of sand, peat moss, and coconut coir, or a commercial soil mix for aquarium plants.
  3. Plant the Amazon sword: Take the Amazon sword plant and carefully remove it from its pot. Make a hole in the substrate big enough to fit the roots of the plant, and then place the plant in the hole. Fill the hole with substrate and gently press down to secure the plant.
  4. Water the plant: Once the plant is planted, water it thoroughly. Make sure the substrate is always moist but not soaking wet. You can use a spray bottle to mist the plant daily, or you can set up a drip system to keep the substrate evenly moist. This plant will not tolerate dry air, you’ll need to keep the humidity over 90% at all times.
  5. Provide additional nutrients: Amazon sword plants grown emersed will need additional nutrients to support their growth. You can use a fertilizer that is specifically formulated for aquarium plants, or you can add root tabs to the substrate.
  6. Monitor the plant’s growth: Over time, the Amazon sword will start to grow leaves and roots. You may need to adjust the light and water levels to keep the plant healthy and thriving.


There has been some debate about the classification of Echinodorus grisebachii ‘Amazonicus’, but according to botanical nomenclature rules, it can continue to be recognized as a cultivar for differentiation in aquaristics.

Taxonomic RankTaxonomic Name
SpeciesEchinodorus grisebachii

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do you trim Amazon Sword plants?
A: To trim Amazon Sword plants, simply cut off any dead or yellowing leaves at the base of the plant using sharp, clean scissors or pruning shears. This will help maintain the plant’s overall health and appearance.

Q: How do you plant an Amazon Sword plant?
A: To plant an Amazon Sword plant, first prepare a suitable substrate in your aquarium. This could be a mixture of sand and aquasoil, or just aquasoil on its own. Choose a spot with a substrate that is about 2 to 3 inches deep. Then, dig a small hole in the substrate and gently place the plant in the hole, making sure that the roots are covered. Fill in the remaining space around the plant with substrate and gently press down to secure the plant in place. Optionally, you could grow this plant in sand or gravel only if supplemented with root tab fertilizers.

Q: How do you propagate Amazon Sword plants?
A: To propagate Amazon Sword plants, you can divide the parent plant into smaller sections and plant each section in a separate pot. Another method is to let the plant produce runners and then cut the runner when it has developed roots and plant it in a separate pot.

Q: Is Amazon Sword good for betta fish?
A: Yes, Amazon Sword plants can make a good addition to a betta fish aquarium. They provide hiding places for the fish and help to create a more natural environment. However, it is important to make sure that the aquarium has sufficient lighting and other conditions necessary for the growth of the plants.

Q: Does Amazon Sword need substrate?
A: Yes, Amazon Sword plants need a substrate in order to grow properly. This provides the roots of the plant with a solid base to anchor into and access to the nutrients they need to grow. Substrates with no nutrients like sand or clay gravel will require fertilization.

Q: Are Amazon Swords low light plants?
A: Amazon Swords can tolerate low light conditions, but they generally do best in moderate to high light environments. If you want your Amazon Swords to thrive, it is recommended to provide them with strong, bright lighting.

Q: Can Amazon Swords grow in sand?
A: Yes, Amazon Swords can grow in sand. Sand alone may not provide enough nutrients for the plant, so it is recommended to mix it with soil or use a fertilizer specifically designed for aquatic plants.

Q: Can Amazon Sword plants grow in gravel?
A: Yes, Amazon Sword plants can grow in gravel as long as the plant is properly fertilized.

Q: Do Amazon Swords need CO2?
A: Amazon Swords can grow without added CO2, but they will benefit from having a moderate to high level of CO2 in the water.

Q: Do Amazon Swords need fertilizer?
A: Yes, Amazon Swords need fertilizer to help them grow and maintain their health. A balanced fertilizer that contains essential nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium is recommended.

Q: Do Amazon Swords need root tabs?
A: Yes, root tabs can be beneficial for Amazon Swords. They provide the plant with additional nutrients that are not easily available in the water column.

Q: Do Amazon Swords need to be planted?
A: Yes, Amazon Swords need to be planted in the substrate of an aquarium in order to establish their roots and anchor themselves.

Q: How big do Amazon Swords get?
A: Amazon Swords can grow up to 30 inches tall and spread up to 15 inches wide.

Q: How do Amazon Swords reproduce?
A: Amazon Swords reproduce through their runners, which are stems that grow out from the plant and develop roots and new plantlets.

Q: How fast do Amazon Swords grow?
A: The growth rate of Amazon Swords can vary depending on factors such as water temperature, lighting, and nutrients. On average, they can grow about 2 to 3 inches per month.

Q: How much light do Amazon Swords need?
A: Amazon Swords need moderate to high light in order to grow well. A minimum of 2 to 3 watts of light per gallon of water is recommended, or a PAR level of around 50-100.

Q: How tall do Amazon Swords get?
A: Amazon Swords can grow up to 30 inches tall.

Q: How to get Amazon Sword runners?
A: To get Amazon Sword runners, simply let the plant grow until it produces a stem that extends from the main plant and develops roots and new plantlets. You can then cut the stem and plant the new plantlet in a separate area of the aquarium.

Q: Is the Amazon Sword a low-light plant?
A: Amazon Swords can grow in low to moderate light, but they prefer bright lighting.

Q: Why is my Amazon Sword dying?
A: Amazon Swords can die for various reasons, including lack of nutrients, poor water quality, incorrect temperature, over- or under-fertilization, or pest infestations. It’s best to diagnose the specific issue and address it as needed.

Q: Why is my Amazon Sword turning brown?
A: Browning of the leaves in Amazon Swords can be due to a number of factors, including old age, lack of nutrients, poor water quality, or exposure to too much light.