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Learn from the Best: A Deep Dive into Aquarium Influencers & Experts

Ahoy, fish fanatics! So, you’ve got your fish tank set up, your fish are swimming happily, and you’re feeling like the proud parent of a bunch of aquatic babies. But now you’re wondering, “How can I learn more about this wonderful world of underwater wonders?” Well, my friend, you’ve come to the right place. Today, we’re diving deep into the ocean of knowledge to explore some of the best aquarium influencers and experts out there. Let’s get our fins wet!

The Unsung Heroes of Aquariums ๐Ÿฆธ

There are countless aquarium enthusiasts, influencers, and experts out there, and each brings a unique perspective to the watery world of fishkeeping. These passionate individuals dedicate their time and energy to sharing their knowledge and experiences with us, the humble hobbyists, and for that, they deserve a hearty round of applause. Or perhaps, in our case, some fishy fin flaps?

The Fish Whisperers: Top 22 Aquarium Experts and Influencers

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a video must be worth at least a million. Aquarium YouTubers and content creators have taken fishkeeping to the next level, showcasing the beauty of our underwater friends and teaching us how to care for them. Here are my 22 favorite aquarium experts that you can learn from:

Let’s dive a little deeper and explore even more amazing fish whisperers who grace the YouTube platform:

  1. George Farmer – A leading aquascaper and author, known for his YouTube channel and Aquascaping book.
  2. Rachel O’Leary (Msjinkzd) – An expert in nano fish and invertebrates with a popular YouTube channel.
  3. Joey Mullen (The King of DIY) – Shares DIY aquarium projects and fishkeeping advice on his YouTube channel.
  4. Cory McElroy (Aquarium Co-Op) – Founder of an online store and YouTube channel focused on aquariums and fishkeeping.
  5. Mark’s Aquatics – A YouTube channel featuring fishkeeping tips, DIY projects, and product reviews.
  6. MD Fish Tanks – A YouTube channel with aquascaping tutorials and aquarium maintenance advice.
  7. Green Aqua – A YouTube channel and store focused on aquascaping, offering tutorials, inspiration, and expert advice.
  8. Aqua Pros – A YouTube channel with aquarium tips, aquascaping ideas, and product reviews.
  9. Jenny Brown (Solid Gold Aquatics) – A goldfish enthusiast who shares her passion through her YouTube channel.
  10. Foo the Flowerhorn – A YouTuber who creates relaxing videos showcasing beautiful planted tanks and fishkeeping advice.
  11. Jurijs Jutjajevs – An aquascaper and photographer who shares his work on YouTube and Instagram.
  12. Aquarium Design Group – A custom aquarium design company with a YouTube channel featuring impressive aquarium setups.
  13. Dennis Wong – An aquascaping enthusiast who offers tutorials and tips on his YouTube channel.
  14. Oliver Knott – A world-renowned aquascaper with a YouTube channel showcasing his amazing designs.
  15. ADU Aquascaping – A YouTube channel offering aquascaping inspiration and advice.
  16. SerpaDesign – A YouTube channel featuring terrariums, vivariums, and aquariums, as well as DIY projects and design tips.
  17. Flip Aquatics – A YouTube channel and online store focused on shrimp keeping and aquatic plants.
  18. The Water Box – A YouTube channel offering aquascaping ideas, tank setup tutorials, and product reviews.
  19. Aquapros – A YouTube channel that focuses on aquarium setups, product reviews, and fishkeeping tips. 20. The CineScaper – A YouTube channel that showcases impressive aquascapes and offers tutorials on how to create them.
  20. Lucas Bretz (LRB Aquatics) – Fish breeding, aquarium plants, fish room tours.
  21. Mark (Mark’s Shrimp Tanks) – Shrimp keeping, breeding, tank setups.
  22. Kevin (KaveMan Aquatics) – Fishkeeping tips, Cichlid aquarium tours, product reviews.

๐Ÿ’ก Expert Tip: Don’t forget to check out local aquarium clubs and societies, where you can connect with fellow hobbyists and learn from their experiences.

Learning from Aquarium Influencers and Experts ๐ŸŽ“

You might be wondering, “Why should I listen to these so-called experts? I’ve got my own aquarium, and everything is going swimmingly!” Well, my friend, there’s always more to learn. As a seasoned aquarist, I can tell you that this hobby is a never-ending journey of discovery, and learning from the wisdom of influencers and experts can help you avoid common pitfalls, save money, and, most importantly, provide the best possible care for your aquatic pets.

The Fishkeeping Learning Curve ๐Ÿ“ˆ

Fishkeeping is a complex and multifaceted hobby that involves a mix of biology, chemistry, and design. No matter how long you’ve been in the game, there’s always something new to learn. Aquarium influencers and experts can help you navigate the fishkeeping learning curve, so you can grow as an aquarist and avoid making the same mistakes they did. After all, knowledge is power, and in this case, the power to keep our fishy friends happy and healthy.

Staying Current on Aquarium Trends ๐ŸŒŠ

Just like any other hobby, fishkeeping is constantly evolving. New products, techniques, and discoveries are always emerging, and staying up-to-date with the latest trends can help you provide the best possible environment for your fish. Aquarium influencers and experts are on the cutting edge of these trends, so by following their content, you’ll always be in the know.

Building a Supportive Aquarium Community ๐Ÿค

Connecting with aquarium influencers and experts not only expands your knowledge base but also helps to build a supportive community of like-minded individuals who share your passion for all things aquatic. By engaging with these influencers, you can ask questions, share experiences, and even make new friends, creating a thriving network of fish fanatics who can support and inspire each other.

Wrapping Up ๐ŸŸ

So there you have it, fellow fish fanatics! We’ve explored the depths of the aquarium influencer and expert world, from YouTube stars to brilliant bloggers, and even dipped our fins into the realm of aquarium podcasts. By learning from these knowledgeable individuals, you can enhance your fishkeeping skills, stay current on trends, and connect with a supportive community of aquarium enthusiasts. Now go forth and dive into the ocean of knowledge, my fishy friends!


  • Aquarium influencers and experts come in many forms, from YouTubers to bloggers.
  • Learning from these knowledgeable individuals can help you grow as an aquarist, avoid mistakes, and stay current on trends.
  • Connecting with aquarium influencers and experts also helps build a supportive community of fishkeeping enthusiasts.