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Home » Gertrude’s Rainbow Fish (Pseudomugil gertrudae): The Spotted Blue Eye Beauty

Gertrude’s Rainbow Fish (Pseudomugil gertrudae): The Spotted Blue Eye Beauty

A group of Pseudomugil gertrudae playfully swimming together, creating a dazzling display of color and movement in their aquatic environment.

Hey there, fish enthusiasts! It’s your fish-loving buddy Tim Priest here, and today we’re diving deep into the wonderful world of the Gertrude Rainbow Fish. These little beauties are the glimmering gems of the aquarium scene, and I can’t wait to share their awesomeness with you. So, grab your snorkel and let’s dive in! 🐠

A Glittering Overview

The Gertrude’s Rainbow Fish, also known as the “Spotted Blue Eye Rainbowfish”, is known scientifically as Pseudomugil gertrudae. This unique character is a small, shimmering fish native to Papua New Guinea and Australia. These captivating swimmers are adored by aquarists for their vibrant colors and playful personalities. They’re the life of the party in any aquarium, and trust me, you’ll be in awe watching them do their thing!

Now let’s dive into some essential care data for these stunning fish:

Care DataGertrude Rainbow Fish (Pseudomugil gertrudae)
Adult Size1.2 inches (3 cm)
Tank Size10 gallons (38 L) minimum
Optimal Temperature72-79°F (22-26°C)
General Hardness3-12 dGH
Carbonate Hardness3-10 dKH
Optimal pH range6.5-7.5
Diet TypeOmnivore
Feeding Frequency2-3 times a day
Water Change FrequencyWeekly, 20-30%
Can Breed In Captivity?Yes
Number of Fry10-30
Spawning TypeEgg scatterer
Native RangePapua New Guinea, Australia
Schooling/Shoaling FishYes
Known to Jump Out of TankRare
Average Cost (USD)$6-10 per fish

The Mesmerizing Palette of Gertrude’s Rainbow Fish

A close-up of a Spotted Blue Eye Rainbowfish revealing its delicate, ornate fins and vivid blue eye markings.

The Gertrude’s Rainbow Fish boasts a dazzling array of colors that can’t be missed. Their bodies are primarily translucent with a blue iridescence, making them a shimmering spectacle in your aquarium. As they catch the light, their fins display a stunning mix of bright blues, yellows, and oranges. It’s like having a living, swimming rainbow right in your own home!

Now, let’s talk about the difference between male and female Gertrude’s Rainbow Fish. Like many other fish species, these beauties exhibit sexual dimorphism. Males have more vibrant colors and larger, more ornate dorsal and anal fins. In contrast, females have subtler colors and smaller, simpler fins. This makes it relatively easy to tell them apart, even for novice aquarists.

💡 Fun Fact: The Gertrude’s Rainbow Fish gets its name as the wife of Dr. Hugo Merton, a German naturalist who visited the Aru Islands, eastern Indonesia in 1907 who was a passionate supporter of the arts and sciences.

A Closer Look at Their Anatomy

The Gertrude’s Rainbow Fish is a small species, with a streamlined, torpedo-shaped body. This allows them to maneuver quickly and gracefully through the water. Their mouths are upturned, perfect for snatching food from the water’s surface. Their large, expressive eyes help them navigate their environment and keep an eye out for potential threats or tasty treats.

Their most striking feature, though, has to be their beautiful fins. The dorsal, anal, and caudal fins are adorned with splashes of color that make these fish stand out from the crowd. The elongated, flowing fins of the males are particularly eye-catching, as they show off to attract a mate or establish their territory.

Average Size and Growth Rate

The average adult size of the Gertrude’s Rainbow Fish is around 1.2 inches (3 cm) in length. These small fish grow relatively fast, reaching their full size within 6 to 8 months. Their rapid growth rate makes them an ideal choice for beginner aquarists who want to witness the fascinating transformation from tiny fry to stunning adult fish.


The typical lifespan of the Gertrude’s Rainbow Fish is 3 to 5 years in a well-maintained aquarium. However, with optimal care and pristine water conditions, some individuals have been known to live up to 7 years. Providing a high-quality diet, maintaining proper water parameters, and offering a stress-free environment will help ensure your Gertrude’s Rainbow Fish live a long, happy life.

An eye-catching underwater scene featuring Gertrude Rainbowfish exploring a densely planted aquarium, creating a dynamic and engaging visual.

Tank Size and Recommendations

A minimum tank size of 10 gallons (38 L) is recommended for keeping a small school of Gertrude’s Rainbow Fish. However, if you’re planning on keeping a larger school or including tankmates, a 20-gallon (76 L) aquarium is more suitable. These fish love to swim and explore, so providing ample swimming space will keep them happy and healthy.

Water Parameters

Gertrude’s Rainbow Fish thrive in water with a pH range of 6.5-7.5, a general hardness of 3-12 dGH, and a carbonate hardness of 3-10 dKH. The optimal temperature for these fish is between 72-79°F (22-26°C). Regular water changes and monitoring of water parameters will ensure a healthy environment for your fish.

A Varied Diet for Happy Fish

Gertrude’s Rainbow Fish are omnivorous, so they’ll appreciate a varied diet. Offering a mix of the following foods will ensure your fish get the proper nutrition they need:

Feeding your Gertrude’s Rainbow Fish 2-3 times a day, with only as much food as they can consume in a few minutes, will keep them in tip-top shape.

Creating the Perfect Habitat

Gertrude’s Rainbow Fish love a well-planted tank with plenty of hiding spots. Adding floating plants and other foliage can help mimic their natural environment, providing them with a sense of security. Some ideal plants for your Gertrude’s Rainbow Fish aquarium include:

💡 Pro Tip: Ensure your aquarium has a tight-fitting lid, as Gertrude’s Rainbow Fish can sometimes jump when startled.

Behavior and Temperament

These little fish have big personalities! Gertrude’s Rainbow Fish are peaceful, active, and social creatures. They’re known for their playful and inquisitive nature, often seen darting around the tank, exploring their surroundings, and interacting with their tankmates.

They’re a schooling species, so they’re happiest when kept in groups of at least 6-8 individuals. Keeping them in a school not only provides them with a sense of security but also enhances their natural beauty, as they swim together in a mesmerizing display of color and grace.

A captivating portrait of a Pseudomugil gertrudae displaying its delicate spotted fins and shimmering body against a softly lit aquatic background.

Ideal Tankmates and No-Nos

Gertrude’s Rainbow Fish are friendly and get along well with other peaceful community fish. Here are some ideal tankmates:

However, avoid keeping them with larger or aggressive fish, such as:

Breeding Gertrude’s Rainbow Fish: A Colorful Adventure

Breeding Gertrude’s Rainbow Fish is a rewarding and fascinating process. To encourage breeding, set up a separate breeding tank with soft, slightly acidic water, and plenty of plants or spawning mops for the fish to lay their eggs. Maintain a higher temperature, around 80°F (27°C), to stimulate breeding behavior.

Introduce a well-conditioned pair or small group of Gertrude’s Rainbow Fish to the breeding tank. Males will display their impressive fins and vibrant colors to attract a female. Once a female accepts a male’s advances, they will swim together among the plants, where the female will release her eggs and the male will fertilize them.

After spawning, it’s crucial to remove the adult fish, as they may eat the eggs. The eggs will hatch within 7-10 days, and the tiny fry will start feeding on infusoria or commercial fry food. As they grow, you can gradually introduce them to larger foods like baby brine shrimp.

Diseases and Illnesses to Watch Out For

Gertrude’s Rainbow Fish, like any fish, can be susceptible to certain diseases and illnesses. Common issues include:

Maintaining a clean and stress-free environment, along with a balanced diet, can help prevent these illnesses.

Origin and Native Range

Gertrude’s Rainbow Fish are native to Papua New Guinea and northern Australia, where they inhabit slow-moving streams and small rivers with dense vegetation with tannin stained waters.

A vibrant Gertrude Rainbowfish showcasing its striking blue eyes and iridescent body as it swims in a lively aquarium.

Taxonomy Time

The Gertrude’s Rainbow Fish is part of the Pseudomugilidae family, closely related to other rainbow fish species in the aquarium hobby. The table below provides their full taxonomy:

AnimaliaChordataActinopterygiiAtheriniformesPseudomugilidaePseudomugilPseudomugil gertrudae

Wrapping up

Gertrude’s Rainbow Fish are a fantastic addition to any community aquarium, bringing color, energy, and a dash of excitement to your aquatic world. With proper care, these fish can thrive and delight both experienced and beginner aquarists alike.


  • Gertrude’s Rainbow Fish are small, colorful, and active
  • They’re a peaceful schooling species, perfect for community tanks
  • They thrive in well-planted tanks with soft, slightly acidic water
  • Omnivorous, they require a varied diet for optimal health
  • Breeding is possible with proper conditions