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Pothos and Aquariums: A Perfect Pair

Lush pothos plant thriving in an aquarium environment

Alright, fellow aquarists, gather around and let me tell you a tale of love and harmony between fish and plants. The star of our show today is the Pothos plant (Epipremnum aureum), a leafy green dream that not only looks amazing but also does wonders for your aquarium. But why should you invite this botanical beauty to your underwater party? And how do you do it? Fear not, for I, Tim Priest, am here to be your trusty guide through this Pothos-planted paradise.

The Benefits: A Pothos Love Letter

The Pothos plant is like that one friend who always shows up to your party with a killer playlist and a big bag of chips. It just makes everything better! Here are a few reasons why your aquarium needs this green goddess:

  1. Natural Filtration: Pothos is a nutrient-sucking powerhouse, removing harmful chemicals like ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates from the water.
  2. Oxygenation: With its photosynthesis skills, this plant will pump oxygen into your aquarium, keeping your fish happy and healthy.
  3. Algae Control: Pothos can outcompete algae for nutrients, helping to keep your tank clear and clean.
  4. Aesthetic Appeal: Lush, cascading green leaves give your aquarium a touch of tropical paradise.

💡 Pro Tip: Pothos is also an excellent choice for beginners, as it’s low-maintenance and hardy. Plus, it can grow in both water and soil, which means you can enjoy its beauty even outside the aquarium!

The Setup: Welcoming Pothos to Your Underwater Wonderland

Now that you’re smitten with Pothos, let’s talk about how to set up a cozy spot for it in your aquarium. Here’s a simple step-by-step guide:

  1. Trim and Prep: Get yourself a healthy Pothos cutting with a few leaves and a 4-6 inch (10-15 cm) stem. Remove the lower leaves, leaving only the top 2 or 3.
  2. Root it: Place the stem in a container with water for a few weeks until roots start growing. Remember to change the water every 3-4 days to keep it fresh.
  3. Find the Perfect Spot: Choose a location in your aquarium where the Pothos can get some light (but not direct sunlight) and has room to grow.
  4. Anchor the Plant: Use a suction cup or a plastic mesh to secure the stem to the side of the tank, making sure the roots are submerged and the leaves remain above water.
Pothos plant gracing the crystal-clear waters of a contemporary rimless aquarium

💡 Expert Tip: Remember, Pothos leaves should always stay above the waterline. If you submerge them, they might rot and cause water quality issues.

Keeping Pothos Happy: Plant Parenthood 101

Just like any relationship, keeping your Pothos happy and thriving requires a bit of TLC. Here are some tips to ensure a long-lasting love affair between your Pothos and your aquarium:

  1. Light it Up: Pothos enjoys bright, indirect light. A nearby window or an aquarium light will keep this green beauty happy.
  2. Prune for Growth: Regularly trim the longer vines to encourage bushier growth and keep the plant looking neat.
  3. Nutrient Boost: If you notice slow growth or yellowing leaves, consider adding some liquid fertilizer to the water.
  4. Keep it Clean: Regularly check the roots for debris and remove any decaying leaves to maintain water quality.

💡 Fun Fact: Pothos is sometimes called “Devil’s Ivy” because it’s nearly impossible to kill. That’s great news for beginner aquarists or those with a less-than-green thumb!

Pothos and Tank Mates: Friends or Frenemies?

Now, you might be wondering how your existing aquatic residents will feel about their new leafy neighbor. Fear not, for Pothos is a friendly plant that usually gets along with most tank mates. Here’s a quick rundown of some popular species and their compatibility with Pothos:

  1. Fish: Most fish, including bettas, guppies, and tetras, will appreciate the oxygen boost and improved water quality provided by Pothos. Some may even nibble on the roots, but don’t worry, this tough plant can handle it.
  2. Shrimp: Amano and cherry shrimp love Pothos roots, which provide hiding spots and a food source.
  3. Snails: Mystery snails and nerite snails are Pothos-friendly and won’t cause any harm to your plant.
  4. Frogs: African dwarf frogs can coexist peacefully with Pothos, enjoying the oxygen-rich water and the plant’s ability to reduce harmful chemicals.

💡 Important: Pothos is toxic if ingested by cats, dogs, or humans. Keep it out of reach of curious pets and children.

Pothos in a Paludarium: A Match Made in Aquatic Heaven

If you’re already a proud Pothos parent, why not take your love affair to the next level by incorporating this versatile plant into a paludarium? A paludarium is a type of vivarium that combines terrestrial and aquatic habitats, creating a stunning and unique environment for your aquatic and land-dwelling critters.

Paludarium beauty enriched by the presence of a healthy pothos plant

Pothos is a natural choice for a paludarium because it can thrive both in water and on land. You can create a beautiful, cascading waterfall effect by planting Pothos above the waterline and letting its vines drape down into the aquatic section. Not only will this look incredible, but it will also provide your aquatic creatures with cleaner water and your terrestrial friends with a lush, tropical environment.

Wrapping Up

So there you have it, my fellow aquarists: a love story for the ages between Pothos and aquariums. This versatile, hardy, and beautiful plant brings countless benefits to your aquatic paradise, from improved water quality to a stunning visual appeal. Plus, with a little bit of care and attention, your Pothos will thrive and become a beloved member of your underwater community. So go on, take the plunge and welcome Pothos into your aquarium—you won’t regret it!


  • Pothos improves water quality, oxygenates the water, controls algae, and adds beauty to your aquarium.
  • To add Pothos to your tank, root a cutting in water, then anchor it with roots submerged and leaves above water.
  • Pothos is compatible with most fish, shrimp, snails, and frogs.
  • Pothos can also be incorporated into a paludarium for a stunning visual effect.