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Home » African Leaf Fish (Polycentropsis abbreviata): The Master of Camouflage

African Leaf Fish (Polycentropsis abbreviata): The Master of Camouflage

Close-up of a stunning African Leaf Fish showcasing its unique leaf-like appearance

Hey there, fellow fish enthusiasts! Tim Priest here, ready to dive into the magical world of the African Leaf Fish (Polycentropsis abbreviata). Buckle up, because this isn’t your everyday fish tale. It’s a mix of mystery, deception, and a little pinch of leafy goodness. Grab your snorkels and let’s dive in!

The African Leaf Fish: A Peek Into Leafy Waters 🌿

This intriguing fish is not only beautiful but also a master of disguise, blending seamlessly with its environment. So, let’s unravel the mystery surrounding this finned wonder, shall we?

Care Data and Facts at a Glance 📊

Care DataAfrican Leaf Fish
Scientific NamePolycentropsis abbreviata
TypeFreshwater Fish
Adult Size3.9 inches (10 cm)
Tank Size30 gallons (114 L)
Optimal Temperature75-82°F (24-28°C)
General Hardness dGH5-12°
Carbonate Hardness dKH3-8°
Optimal pH range6.0-7.5
Diet TypeCarnivorous
Feeding Frequency1-2 times a day
Water Change FrequencyWeekly
Can Breed In Captivity?Yes
Number of Fry (if applicable)50-100
Spawning TypeEgg-layer
Native RangeCentral and West Africa
TemperamentPeaceful, but can be aggressive with small fish
Schooling/Shoaling FishNo
Known to Jump Out of TankNo
Average Cost (USD)$15-25

A Leafy Ensemble: The Fish that Blends In 🍃

A pair of African Leaf Fish peacefully coexisting in a aquarium

The African Leaf Fish sports an impressive leaf-like appearance, with an elongated body and a flat, broad dorsal fin. Its body is adorned with various shades of brown and green, helping it blend in with its surroundings. But wait, there’s more! This sneaky swimmer also has irregular dark markings that resemble the veins of a leaf. Mother Nature really went all out with this one, huh?

Damsels and Dudes: Tellin’ ‘Em Apart 🚺🚹

Sexual dimorphism is not very pronounced in African Leaf Fish, making it challenging to distinguish between males and females. However, males are generally slightly larger and more colorful, while females have a rounder belly when filled with eggs.

Anatomy: The Art of Camouflage 🎨

The African Leaf Fish is designed for the ultimate camouflage game. Its ventral fins are small and close to the body, while its pectoral fins are transparent and help it move through the water without creating ripples. The fish’s mouth is unique, too. It’s large and can be opened widely, allowing the fish to gobble up prey in a blink of an eye!

But wait, there’s even more anatomical awesomeness! The African Leaf Fish has a modified swim bladder, which helps it control its buoyancy and maintain a stationary position among aquatic plants. It’s like an underwater hovercraft, cruising through the water column.

💡 Fun Fact: African Leaf Fish are ambush predators, using their amazing camouflage skills to lie in wait for unsuspecting prey to swim by. Then, in a flash, they snatch up their meal! Talk about a surprise attack!

Size and Growth Rate: Small and Steady 📏

The average adult size of an African Leaf Fish is about 3.9 inches (10 cm) in length. They grow at a moderate pace, reaching their full size within a year.

A young African Leaf Fish exploring its aquatic environment filled with lush plants

Lifespan: Leafing Through the Years 📅

African Leaf Fish have an average lifespan of 5-8 years in captivity, with proper care. Some specimens have been known to live up to 10 years or more. Providing the right environment, diet, and water parameters can significantly impact the longevity of these fascinating fish.

Tank Size: Room to Blend In 🏡

A minimum tank size of 30 gallons (114 L) is recommended for housing one African Leaf Fish. A larger tank, such as a 40 gallon (151 L) breeder, would be ideal for a small group or to accommodate tankmates. These fish appreciate space to swim and plenty of hiding spots to showcase their exceptional camouflage skills.

Water Parameters: Leaf Fish Comfort Zone 🌡️

African Leaf Fish thrive in water with a temperature between 75-82°F (24-28°C), a pH of 6.0-7.5, and a general hardness of 5-12° dGH. It’s essential to maintain stable water parameters to keep these fish healthy and stress-free.

Diet: Feeding the Leafy Predators 🍖

African Leaf Fish are carnivorous and enjoy a varied diet. Here are some optimal food options for these sneaky predators:

  1. Bloodworms
  2. Brine shrimp
  3. Daphnia
  4. Small insects
  5. Chopped earthworms
  6. Mysis shrimp
  7. Krill
  8. Small fish (only if they fit in their mouth)
  9. Beef heart (occasionally)
  10. Blackworms

Feed your African Leaf Fish 1-2 times a day, ensuring they receive a balanced and nutritious diet.

Habitat Requirements: A Leafy Abode 🌳🏠

African Leaf Fish appreciate a densely planted aquarium, with lots of hiding spots and subdued lighting. Some ideal plants for their tank include:

  1. Java Fern
  2. Anubias
  3. Water Sprite
  4. Amazon Sword
  5. Cryptocoryne

Adding driftwood and leaf litter can also create a more natural environment, which will help your fish feel right at home.

Behavior and Temperament: The Sneaky Swimmers 🌿💤

African Leaf Fish are generally peaceful and prefer to keep to themselves. However, they can be aggressive towards smaller fish that fit into their mouths, so choose tankmates wisely. They are not schooling fish, but they can coexist with other African Leaf Fish in a large, well-planted tank.

These masters of disguise often spend their time hanging motionless among plants, patiently waiting for prey to swim by. Their ambush-predator lifestyle means they are not the most active swimmers, but they can surprise you with a quick burst of speed when they spot a tasty snack!

💡 Pro Tip: African Leaf Fish have a low activity level, so don’t be alarmed if you don’t see them swimming around all the time. They’re just doing their leafy thing!

Tankmates: Friends and Foes 🐟🚫

African Leaf Fish can coexist with a variety of tankmates, as long as they are not small enough to become a snack! Here are some ideal tank

mates for your leafy friends:

  1. Congo Tetras
  2. Synodontis Catfish
  3. Rainbowfish
  4. Larger Rasboras
  5. Bristlenose Plecos
  6. Angelfish
  7. Larger Barbs
  8. Siamese Algae Eaters
  9. Kribensis
  10. Boesemani Rainbowfish
  11. Clown Loaches
  12. Larger Danios

However, you should avoid the following species as tankmates:

  1. Small Tetras
  2. Guppies
  3. Endlers
  4. Dwarf Rasboras
  5. Killifish
  6. Dwarf Cichlids
  7. Small shrimp
  8. Dwarf Gouramis

Breeding: A Leafy Love Story 🌿💕

Breeding African Leaf Fish in captivity can be challenging but rewarding. To encourage breeding, you’ll need a separate, heavily planted breeding tank with slightly acidic water (pH 6.0-6.5) and a temperature around 80°F (27°C).

Introduce a healthy, well-conditioned pair of African Leaf Fish to the breeding tank. The female will lay her eggs on a flat surface, such as a plant leaf, and the male will fertilize them. After spawning, it’s essential to remove the adults, as they may eat the eggs.

Eggs typically hatch within 48-72 hours, and the fry will become free-swimming in about a week. Feed the fry with infusoria, followed by baby brine shrimp as they grow. Gradually introduce them to a carnivorous diet, just like their parents.

Diseases and Illnesses: Common Health Issues 🏥

African Leaf Fish are susceptible to some common diseases and illnesses:

  1. Ich (white spot disease)
  2. Fin rot
  3. Bacterial infections
  4. Fungal infections
  5. Parasitic infections
  6. Dropsy
  7. Swim bladder disease

Maintain proper water quality and provide a balanced diet to reduce the risk of disease. If you notice signs of illness, quarantine the affected fish and treat it accordingly.

Origin and Native Range: Hailing from Africa 🌍

African Leaf Fish are native to the Congo River basin in Central Africa. They inhabit slow-moving, densely vegetated waters, which provide ample cover for their ambush-predator lifestyle.

Side view of an African Leaf Fish as it effortlessly glides through the water

Taxonomy: A Leaf Fish Family Tree 🌳

Here is the full taxonomy data for the African Leaf Fish:

SpeciesP. abbreviata

Wrapping Up: The Sneaky Leaf Fish 🌿🐟

African Leaf Fish are fascinating, unique, and challenging additions to a well-planted aquarium. With their incredible camouflage skills, intriguing behavior, and peaceful nature, they are sure to be a conversation starter. Just remember to provide them with the right environment, diet, and tankmates to ensure a happy and healthy life.

In conclusion, if you’re an experienced aquarist looking to add some intrigue to your aquarium, the African Leaf Fish might just be the perfect choice.


  • African Leaf Fish are masters of camouflage
  • Carnivorous diet
  • Peaceful, but can be predatory with smaller fish
  • Need well-planted tanks with hiding spots
  • Require good water quality and stable parameters
  • Challenging but rewarding to breed