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The Doctor Fish Diaries: All About Red Garra (Garra Rufa)

Garra Rufa fish manicure in action, providing gentle exfoliation

Hey, fish nerds! Have you ever experienced a fish pedicure, where tiny little fish nibble away the dead skin on your feet? Well, today we’ll be diving into the world of those ticklish little nibblers, the Red Garra (Garra Rufa)! So, buckle up and let’s swim right in! 🏊‍♂️

What’s Up with Garra Rufa?

Garra Rufa, also known as “Doctor Fish,” are small, charming creatures that hail from the Middle East. They’ve gained popularity in spa treatments, but these little fishies are also fascinating additions to your home aquarium. But first, let’s take a look at their care data!

Care DataGarra Rufa
Scientific NameGarra rufa
Adult Size3.5 inches (9 cm)
Tank Size30 gallons (113 liters)
Optimal Temperature71-82°F (22-28°C)
General Hardness2-12 dGH
Carbonate Hardness4-12 dKH
Optimal pH range6.5-7.5
Diet TypeOmnivore
Feeding Frequency2-3 times daily
Water Change FrequencyWeekly
Can Breed In Captivity?Yes
Number of Fry50-100
Spawning TypeEgg-scatterer
Native RangeMiddle East
Schooling/Shoaling FishYes
Can Jump Out Of Tank?No
Average Cost (USD)$6-$10 per fish

The Looks of Garra Rufa

Close-up of Red Garra fish showing off their distinctive markings

These tiny fish have an elongated, torpedo-shaped body, a rather flat belly, and a rounded head. They’re usually greyish-brown, sporting an almost iridescent sheen on their bodies, and their fins are usually transparent with a hint of yellow or orange.

Now, let’s talk sexual dimorphism! Males are generally slimmer, have more vibrant fin colors, and display small white tubercles on their heads during breeding season. Meanwhile, females are plumper and exhibit a more muted appearance. So, if you want to tell them apart, look for the subtle differences in body shape and coloration.

Average Size and Growth Rate

The average adult size of Garra Rufa is about 3.5 inches (9 cm). They typically reach their full size in about a year, with most of their growth occurring during the first 6-8 months.

Lifespan: A Tiny Fish with a Decent Run

Garra Rufa can live anywhere from 4 to 7 years, with a maximum reported lifespan of 10 years. Their longevity depends on the quality of care they receive, so be sure to provide them with a clean, healthy environment to help them live their best fishy life!

Tank Size: How Much Room Do These Little Nibblers Need?

The minimum tank size for Garra Rufa is 30 gallons (113 liters). This will comfortably house a small school of these fish, along with some tankmates. They’ll appreciate the extra swimming space and the opportunity to socialize with other species.

Garra Rufa fish swimming happily in a well-maintained home aquarium

Water Parameters

Garra Rufa thrive in water with a temperature between 71-82°F (22-28°C), a general hardness of 2-12 dGH, carbonate hardness of 4-12 dKH, and a pH range of 6.5-7.5. Be sure to maintain these parameters to keep your Doctor Fish happy and healthy!

The All-You-Can-Eat Garra Rufa Buffet

When it comes to food, Garra Rufa aren’t picky eaters. Their diet can include:

Feed your Garra Rufa 2-3 times a day in small portions, ensuring they finish their food within a few minutes to avoid overfeeding.

Habitat Requirements

Garra Rufa love a well-decorated tank with plenty of hiding spots. Include rocks, caves, driftwood, and live plants to make them feel at home. A sandy substrate is preferred, as they like to forage and dig. Maintain a moderate water flow, mimicking their natural riverine environment.

💡 Pro Tip: Adding some algae-covered rocks will provide a natural snack for your Garra Rufa!

Behavior and Temperament

These peaceful fish are social creatures that enjoy the company of their own kind. They are active and curious, making them fun to watch as they explore their environment. It’s essential to keep them in a small school of at least 5-6 individuals to prevent stress and ensure their well-being.

Doctor Fish providing a natural pedicure to delighted spa-goer
A Doctor Fish pedicure

Tankmates: Friends and Foes

Garra Rufa can coexist with a variety of peaceful, similarly-sized fish. Here are some ideal tankmates:

Avoid housing them with aggressive or large fish that may see them as a tasty snack, such as:

Breeding: Love Is in the Water

Garra Rufa breeding can be achieved in captivity. Set up a separate breeding tank with a sponge filter, smooth rocks, and fine-leaved plants. Raise the temperature to 78-80°F (25-27°C) and perform frequent water changes to induce spawning. The female will scatter her eggs among the plants and rocks, with the male fertilizing them shortly after. Remove the adults once the eggs are laid to prevent them from snacking on their future offspring.

Hybrids, Variants, and Morphs

There are no known hybrids or morphs of Garra Rufa in the aquarium hobby. However, they are closely related to other Garra species, such as Garra flavatra and Garra cambodgiensis, which share similar physical characteristics and care requirements.

Diseases and Illnesses

Garra Rufa are susceptible to common aquarium fish diseases, such as:

  1. Ich (white spot disease) – Treat with Seachem Paraguard or Hikari Ich-X, which contain malachite green and formaldehyde to eliminate the parasites.
  2. Fin rot – Use API Melafix, an antibacterial remedy containing Melaleuca oil, to promote healing and regrowth.
  3. Swim bladder disease – Adjust feeding habits, provide a varied diet, and maintain optimal water quality to prevent this issue.

Origin and Native Range

Garra Rufa originate from the Middle East, specifically Turkey, Iran, Iraq, and Syria. They can be found in rivers, streams, and other shallow bodies of water with moderate to fast-flowing currents. Their natural habitat includes rocky substrates, pebbles, and aquatic plants.

Taxonomy: Meet the Family

Garra Rufa are part of the Cyprinidae family, which also includes popular aquarium fish like barbs, danios, and rasboras. Let’s take a closer look at their full taxonomy:

Taxonomic RankName
SpeciesGarra rufa

Wrapping Up: The Doctor Is In!

And that’s a wrap on Garra Rufa, the fascinating little fish that can give you a pedicure and brighten up your home aquarium! Remember to provide them with a suitable environment, a varied diet, and compatible tankmates to ensure they live a long, healthy life. Happy fishkeeping! 🐠


  • Garra Rufa are small, peaceful fish from the Middle East.
  • They are also known as “Doctor Fish” and are commonly used in spas for pedicures.
  • They require a 30-gallon tank, with optimal water parameters and a well-decorated environment.
  • Feed them a varied diet of omnivorous foods.
  • They can be housed with other peaceful, similarly-sized fish.
  • Garra Rufa are susceptible to common aquarium fish diseases, but can be treated with over-the-counter medications.